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EMF Survey
Are you buying or renting a new home? Do you want to make sure your environment is healthy?
Wellbeing starts when the body and mind can rest and rejuvenate at night
At a time when our home has become our office, we need to consider the impact of our working environment on our health. It is imperative that we reduce the cumulative effect of radiation within the home.
Levels of radiation vary, depending on influences from our external environment but also on internally generated sources in the home.
Services offered:
Home and bedroom EMF Survey (I visit houses, flats, hotels, offices)
An EMF Pre-rent or Purchase survey
Online consultations to identify EMF pollution in your home and how to reduce its impact.
Price available on application (Also possible for offices and large houses)
Travel costs will apply
Follow up visits can be arranged should these be required -
Online consultation costs available on request.
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Details of the EMF survey:
A visit takes between 2.5 to 4 hours to assess the various sources of EMF radiation (depending on the number of bedrooms), using highly sensitive instruments.
This includes measurement of:
Sources of radiation in your home or office to help you to reduce your exposure.
Low frequency radiation from power lines, wiring, solar panels and inverters (only possible during the day)
Low frequency electric radiation – we will measure with specific metres how much electric radiation your body absorbs while lying on a bed.
High frequency radiation exposure, we will also measure how much
high frequency radiation your body absorbs while lying on the bed. -
Geopathic Stress in the bedroom, which can also give rise to
health issues. -
You will receive a full EMF survey report for future reference.
A mitigation approach will be suggested to deal with issues found.
All products can be ordered through the consultant.